Elephant Springs
One sunny day, blisteringly hot day actually, I searched for places to cool off in London and found this, the new Elephant Springs.
An artificial stream with rock pools and fountains. A wonderful place to cool off, and a brilliant idea by the property developers redeveloping this area in Elephant and Castle because what with global warming, we’ll need some place to cool off.
I don’t have a lot of photos of the actual springs because on the day I visited it was absolutely chock full of children and families splashing around. And people frown on middle aged men taking photos of wet children, so you’ll just have to take my word for it that it’s lovely. I recommend visiting during school term time.
Nearby there are a load of elephant sculptures, shops, cafes and an unusually good public toilet, clean, with an attendant, and even a foot washing bath. Well worth a visit.
It’s smaller than the publicity map makes out – it’s a small London park, not a theme park as they’d want you to believe.